Time to Get Your Websites Mobile Friendly

Do you remember what Google tells to its webmaster world ? Mobile friendly websites are really important when it comes to user friendly environment. Because now at-least 70% of website visitors uses smartphones they need a smooth design with interactive features that runs perfectly while navigating a web page.

It is now like old days practices when website visitors did Zoom In to read small text where it was sometimes very difficult to navigate a web page within a website. Mobile friendly websites came as most preferential version to give it a kick to grow user experience.

Many of the business that runs non responsive websites has now changed their websites to Mobile Friendly version as it now also became a Google Ranking Factor which everyone tries to rank for. Updating websites has also marked it google that of actively working site and given instant grow to their SEO Ranking as well.

Not having a mobile friendly website is not completely meant to be loosing your ranking, however there are always other positive factors to knowledge based websites. But still user experience is always one of the most important factor to keep pace on modernization, most websites getting responsive now.

Since, google announced its first mobile indexing , its like filtering desktop version and mobile version separately. It gives a different approach to deal with website rankings based on their content, niche and type. Another reason to get website redesigned into responsive version is the appealing look.

In 2018, there are so many updates rolled out by google to encourage webmasters for developing completely responsive UX design in their website. This way user experience can be grown in good way.

Infra Web Technologies is pioneer in designing responsive websites with exciting user friendly look and feel.